- Book : Pengantar Manajemen Umum (Untuk STIE)
- Title
: Pendekatan Sifat Kepemimpinan
(approach to leadership traits)
- Page
: 166
Untuk mengenali karakteristik atau ciri
pribadi dari para pemimpin, para psikolog mengadakan penelitian. Mereka
berpandangan bahwa pemimpin ini dilahirkan bukan dibuat. Secara almiah bahwa
orang yang mempunyai sifat kepemimpinan adalah orang yang lebih agresif, lebih
tegas, dan lebih pandai berbicara dengan orang lain serta lebih mampu dan cepat
mengambil keputusan yang akurat. Pandangan ini mempunyai implikasi bahwa jika
ciri kepemimpinan dapat dikenali, maka organisasi akan jauh lebih canggih dalam
memilih pemimpin. Hanya orang – orang yang memiliki ciri kepemimpinan sajalah
yang akan menjadi manajer, pejabat dan kedudukan lainnya yang tinggi.
- Translate
Bahasa Into English Using PRESENT TENSE
To identify characteristics or personal traits
of leaders, psychologists conduct research. They argued that these leaders are
born not made. Essentially people that have leadership qualities are more
aggressive, more assertive, and more articulate than other people as well as
more capable and faster when making accurate decision. This view has
implications that if the leadership traits can be identified, then the
organization will be much more sophisticated in choosing a leader. Only people
who have leadership traits alone will be managers, officials and other high
- Translate
Bahasa Into English Using PAST TENSE
To identify characteristics or personal
traits of leaders, psychologists conducted research. They argued that these
leaders was born not made. Essentially people that have leadership qualities
was more aggressive, more assertive, and more articulate than other people as
well as more capable and faster when making accurate decision. This view had
implications that if the leadership traits can be identified, then the
organization will be much more sophisticated in choosing a leader. Only
people who had leadership traits alone will be managers, officials and other
high positions.
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